Krilltech will represent Brazil in KPMG's international startup award

The startup Krilltech, active in the AgTech sector, is the big winner of the Brazil stage of the international award "Global Tech Innovator 2021", from KPMG. With this, the company will represent Brazil in the last stage of the international competition of the award in Lisbon, Portugal, in an event to be held between November 1st and 4th, 2021. On that occasion, the representatives from more than 15 countries will make presentations to industry experts on stage, and a global winner will be selected as the KPMG Private Enterprise Global Tech Innovator 2021. Conducted by KPMG, the initiative aims to support startups that meet certain criteria and have the potential to progress in business, helping leading global technology innovators interested in taking the lead in the market in the future.

"We are very happy to announce the winning Brazilian startup, which differentiated itself in the intensive use of technology to transform business and society, being able to demonstrate how to be scalable in other countries, mainly in Latin America. The initiative is an excellent opportunity for the selected startup to make disruption happen, being a strong candidate to win the global award. We evaluated startups with very interesting, scalable, technological value propositions that solve real problems in society. It was not easy to reach the finalist, considering the quality of the competitors, but certainly the winner of the national stage deserves the conquest", says Jubran Coelho, partner-leader of KPMG's Private Enterprise practice in Brazil and South America.

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Source: Value Added


May 2024